kiki: This is rather comfy. It's a shame that Soph had moved away.
c.hou: She's now in the property ladder.
kiki: purrrrr.............
c.hou: What program are you watching?
kiki: I'm just observing the reflection of the sky. Some sea gulls fly in a very funny way.
c.hou: Yes? How's that?
kiki: They don't really fly in a straight line. The flying route is rather zigzagging.
c.hou: Are you planning to step into the career of an ornithologist?
kiki: What? Don't speak in Greek. I'm multilingual but I don't speak Greek.
c.hou: I spoke English...
kiki: Whatever...
c.hou: I should not have tortured your tiny small brain.
kiki: Human, you're obstructing my view.
c.hou: That's English!
kiki: Could you let me enjoy my quiet afternoon please?
c.hou: As you like it.
kiki: What does this have to do with Shakespeare?
c.hou: I'm just saying.
kiki: Enough. You're draining my brain cells...
c.hou: I can keep going.
kiki: Knock it off......
c.hou: Okay. I shall leave you in peace.
kiki: That's more like it.