2005年7月5日 星期二

window of soul

taken by zonkeyboy

從朋友那得知英國即將禁止網路上販售神奇菇菇的消息, 當下採取了必要措施. 在某個天時地利人合的夜晚, kiki 已經睡到翻過去之後, 我開始了我的神奇之旅. 當你失去自主的能力, 腦袋開始了自己的幻燈片秀, 帶你重回曾經經歷過的不同時間空間點, 讓你再次暴露在你不知為何做出某個決定的時刻, 思考. 情感未經過任何包裝宣洩出來. 三不五時噪音吵醒kiki, 睡眼矇矓的他還會瞪我一下.

即將滿三年的求學生活, 我進入最後隧道階段. 啥時才會看到來自隧道底的光, 我不知道; 倒是希望不要在隧道中車子拋錨了... 那就尷尬了!! 加油!!

make poverty history

date: July 2, 2005
location: Edinburgh, Scotland

Typical of the protesters in Edinburgh was the Walsh family, who had paid £35 each to come on an overnight bus from Dorset. Francis Walsh, a 62-year-old retired teacher dressed head to toe in white, was there with his daughters Oonagh, 31, Caragh, 26 and granddaughter Lily, 11.
'When we worked out we could just afford it there was no question about whether or not we should come.' he said through a generous moustache. 'It's something Lily will always remember.' from The Sunday Times

It was qutie an emotional day and an absolutely exciting event with a powerful meaning. People from all generations and all backgrounds had united behind this one ideal, which is to make poverty history.

I am very pround of partaking in such an event like this...


first encounter with a 'stray cat'. photo taken by zonkeyboy.

location: en route to Huntly Caslte
date: June 5, 2005

the corporation

THE CORPORATION explores the nature and spectacular rise of the dominant institution of our time. Footage from pop culture, advertising, TV news, and corporate propaganda, illuminates the corporation's grip on our lives. Taking its legal status as a "person" to its logical conclusion, the film puts the corporation on the psychiatrist's couch to ask "What kind of person is it?" Provoking, witty, sweepingly informative, The Corporation includes forty interviews with corporate insiders and critics - including Milton Friedman, Noam Chomsky, Naomi Klein, and Michael Moore - plus true confessions, case studies and strategies for change. (cited from