2006年8月28日 星期一

2006年8月22日 星期二


Postmen's Peccadillos


urh...... did I just get my debit card blocked at the petrol station? I'd only entered the PIN 'wrong' three times... Was that it for the card? I didn't have enough cash with me, as I was counting on the debit card. What would have happened if I had not had another credit card with me? What would have happened if signature authorisation hadn't been accepted? Would they send me to a concentration camp? Would they sell me to a Chinese restaurant for cheap labour, and I'd have to spend the rest of my life washing dishes? Or, would I get away with my charm? I'd been away for three weeks; that's a perfect excuse for forgetting your PIN. It might also have to do with my brain cells being saturated with booze... Well, visit the bank first thing tomorrow then. Night night......

2006年8月20日 星期日

deja vu

No. Deja vu describes the experience of feeling that one has witnessed or experienced a new situation previously. Following are just circumstances arise over and over. Want deja vu as the title anyway.

situaion 1:

Have had a wonderful week with blue sky and temperate weather. Just when you start to wind down for weekend mode, you spot merciless clouds driftingly nearby. Before you know it, before you actually leave work for home, it's torrential downpour all over the place. The 128th time I've experienced this...

situation 2:

(when purchasing certain commodity at shops:)
cashier: do you have any ID with you to proof your age?
(me handing driving licence:)
cashier: you look a lot younger
(don't know if that's a compliment anymore...)
It's the 492th time I've experienced this...

situation 3:

I know I look Thai, and people speak Thai to me when I'm in Asia. Who would have thought a middle-age Scottish lady would approach you in a bar and say 'sa-wat dee kaa' in a rural area in Edinburgh? I didn't realise I'd been spoken to in Thai until my partner mentioned those words again. It was a very awkward and embarrassing situation to be in when a friendly gesture turned into a disaster... 73th time......

situation 4:

Road works... nonstop... wonder why there're so many things they could do digging the roads here and there and everywhere...... 3 millionth time......

2006年8月18日 星期五

midnight snack

It is good...... Should have had it with some wine, but I actually took Margarita. Works for me anyway~~~

Kiki had soon too, and he enjoyed it as much as I did. Good good..

2006年8月17日 星期四

flat and flatmate

This was the place I lived for one year between 2004-2005 with M. At the time he smoked, and he used to walk around the community after dinner smoking - he walked around so much that most of the neighbors could guess what time it was when M appeared. We were having a community party / BBQ ~~~~~~

Talking about flat, I've been in constant search (due to procrastination with thesis) for suitable flatmate to stay with me in my two bedroom flat. Having a difficult time this August getting attention from online advertisement... So far, there are only three viewers:

1. Mat (Polish), late twenties, working part time for the summer, terribily friendly (to Kiki as well) and wears a warm smile most of the time.
2. Allan (Danish), 28, student, doing Scandinavian studies, cute and friendly enough; has some gay character......
3. Maria (Brazilian), 22, law-school student, taking three years off travelling and working: passionate, friendly, and very very good looking... could do with a little sister!

The viewing had been smooth and just waiting for their final responses. Flatmate for the next few months will come to light at the end of this week! Stay tuned.


My love,

Just before midnight. Was running around visiting different libraries returning and borrowing books. Was shocked to learn my official research period terminates at the end of October...... When it comes to kicking you out, different departments of university communicate so well and work so efficiently that you just don't believe brisith people could achieve such ability. Well, the alarm is on and my time is up. Could only wait and see what happens.

Just over one year ago, I took a ferry from Barcellona (Spain) to Genova (Italy). We had the cabin at the very front of the ship and had a fantastic view over the ocean in front. It was an overnight journey. Sailed through a storm before dawn, and I woke up finding my companion staring at the window watching waves coming and going. She was suffering from sea sickness and the only way to alleviate symptoms was to see what was coming and be prepared. I'm usually as strong as a bull and am rarely affected by illness.

Thinking of you. Hope you're stress free and resting in peace.



Spend the last two weeks babysitting my cute little nephews and nieces.

My childish side played well, as well as the vet side. We talked the same language!!! Guess I needed attention; they demanded more than I could give...... Yo (the big boy) managed to find out there were pigs in our neighborhood: someone kept three mini pigs in the backyard. We live in a rural area, and there're cow, chicken, duck, pig, parrot, dog, cat, fish within 500-yard radius. They're soooooooo into animals...... A toy room (3m x 10m) filled with everything possible kept everyone (including me) entertained. I miss them.........

The day before I left, told them where I was going and wouldn't be back for a while. They sort of understood... and helped me packed. Let them try my kitty socks (turned into stockings on their little legs) (umm... they're too pure for strings and bra..., so hid those items away)......

One day, I will have children of my own. The day is approaching (I hope). It's about time to live a real life (work and things). Fingers crossed...



Another day
Without your smile
Another day just passes by
But now I know
How much it means
For you to stay
Right here with me

The time we spent apart will make our love grow stronger
But it hurt so bad I can't take it any longer

I wanna grow old with you
I wanna die lying in your arms
I wanna grow old with you
I wanna be looking in your eyes
I wanna be there for you
Sharing everything you do
I wanna grow old with you

A thousand miles between us now
It causes me to wonder how
Our love tonight remains so strong
It makes our risk right all along

The time we spent apart will make our love grow stronger
But it hurt so bad I can't take it any longer

I wanna grow old with you
I wanna die lying in your arms
I wanna grow old with you
I wanna be looking in your eyes
I wanna be there for you
Sharing everything you do
I wanna grow old with you

Things can come and go I know but
Baby I believe
Something's burning strong between us
Makes it clear to me

I wanna grow old with you
I wanna die lying in your arms
I wanna grow old with you
I wanna be looking in your eyes
I wanna be there for you
Sharing everything you do
I wanna grow old with you

2006年8月13日 星期日

washing machine

星期六午後, 興高采烈的收集著該洗滌的衣服,
放入些許香噴噴的洗衣粉, 以其些許滑溜溜的柔軟液,
切下開關, 等待一小時後來收穫這乾淨的成果...

(ㄜ, 形容詞怪怪的, 國語也怪怪的. 請別見怪.)


洗衣機在漏水. 洗衣機在漏水!!!

Swiftly switch myself into investigation mode:

1. 洗衣槽是乾的, 所以水沒有進到洗衣槽.
2. 水有進到入水孔, 並經過香噴噴的洗衣粉格子, 及滑溜溜的柔軟液格子.

所以問題在於水攜帶洗衣粉及柔軟液後, 並沒有進入洗衣槽.


這年頭, 同時擁有精明的頭腦及工具箱的女生, 已經很少了.

我的工具箱, 是之前一個念建築的女生留給我的.
裡頭有的東西不多, 有四齒的螺絲起子, 有扁頭的螺絲起子,
不過四齒的螺絲起子有三支, 扁頭的螺絲起子有四支......

半個小時後, 我發現打開洗衣機頭蓋的最關鍵兩個螺絲,

ps. 我小時候也是混黑手工廠的, 不過還真的沒看過說......

山不轉路轉, 路不轉人轉.

所以, 不能完全打該洗衣機頭蓋,
卡了個洗衣粉盒子在微微掀起的蓋子下, 繼續我的調查.

雖然手邊的螺絲起子有很多支, 不過都很大支,
很勉強的塞入僅有的空隙, 用著滑溜溜的雙手, 解開螺絲.

又花了半個小時左右, 才打開洗衣機的上前蓋.
挖出從入水孔到洗衣槽的水管, 中間彎曲處有段約五公分的硬塊.
剛開始認為原本的設計中彎曲處的水管就是硬的 (以保持其彎度),

直搗問題核心, 搓碎那硬塊, 沖掉碎化的小硬塊.
有點像是腎臟結石, 在超音波震碎結石後慢慢由輸尿管排出.
職業病, 不過總覺得加上上述例子會更容易體會我在做什麼.

此時, 廚房中的汪洋一片, 已經有無數泡泡點綴著.
放眼所及所有物品, 也都有了滑溜溜的表面.

用盡了全身的力氣, 才把洗衣機推回她原本的位置.


我的衣服, 毛巾等等, 混著水和洗衣粉,
快樂的轉著, 轉著, 轉著......


耳聞弟弟砸下鉅資, 買了台跑車型的房車;

一回搭他的車, 等待眾人上車之際,
抽了張面紙, 抹去那汙點;
老弟沾了點口水在面紙上, 使出殺手鐗,
配合著臉上 '看我的利害' 的表情...

看到此舉, 我已經下顎骨脫臼, 舌頭外露, 口水滴了兩滴下來......

三年來就洗過一次澡 (到底蘇格蘭的空氣乾淨很多).

我的擋風玻璃, 小名 bug's graveyard, 百分之兩百當之無愧.
加上累積了眾多不同鳥類的 droppings...

Date: Feb 28, 2004

Location: St. Andrew